Monday, April 2, 2018

New iOS 8 – Packed with Health Application Healthbook

Apple released its iOS 7 last year, whose huge change brings total polarization of evaluation. However, it has leaded the design of “flattering” trend. Not long ago, updated was released to fix some bugs. According to the previous experiences, the update after iOS 7.1 won’t have too big changes. Thus, more and more iFans are looking forward to iOS 8.

As the nearing of Apple WWDC,there has run out of more and more rumors about iOS 8. It is very likely that  iOS 8 will be released on June, and come into market on Sept. along with iPhone 6.   Let’s lay out what has been rumored about  iOS in the rest article.

New Health Application - Healthbook

healthbook in iOS 8
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At present, 9 to 5 Mac revealed a lot of  iOS screenshot which is most likely  iOS 8 beta. The most obvious change from the screenshot is the new application called “Healthbook” which is able to achieve various sport supervising functions. Screenshots also tell us Healthbook is designed to supervise users’ amount of exercise, heart rate, hydration level, blood pressure even glycemic index. Obviously, it is more powerful than other similar application. M7 Sport coprocessor, which is packed in iPhone 5s, is able to achieve ordinary supervising function, but not to supervise heart rate, blood pressure and glycemic index.

Apple Map App is Enhanced

enhanced Apple map in iOS 8

Apple Map App is released with  iOS 6. As we know, it can’t be compared with Google Map in terms of function and public praise. It is improved in  iOS 7 on function and accuracy, and is expected to be better in  iOS 8. According to an informed source, Apple is planning to add train, metro and bus information to its Maps. However, it is involved to main American cites at the launch and more other cities around the globe will be added gradually.

In addition, interesting contents nearing to bus/train station or airport will also be added. And interface experience is to be improved as well.

Open Public Use of Siri Interface

Siri, as one of the apps that Apple gives great expectation, is not so satisfactory to public. Thus, in order to change this situation, Apple might open the Siri interface to public in& nbsp;iOS 8, aiming to be compatible with more third party apps as well as achieve more application forms. Plus, there is rumor said that Siri would be likely to be capable with context awareness. For example, when you are running, it will initiate the sport supervising function automatically, then, it is a real “Smart Setting”.

iTunes Radio Becomes an Independent Application

It is likely that iTunes Radio will become an independent application in  iOS 8, and it will also support more countries and regions.

Text Editor and Preview Application

Though there is no big change on  iOS 8 interface, many new applications will be added into it. Except for Healthbook, operation tips and new text editor applications will also be built in.

iOS 8

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