Monday, April 2, 2018

iPhone 6s 6 issue Restore from iCloud is stuck on time remaining estimating…

Many iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 plus, even on iPhone 7 users are facing issue in restore that restoring iPhone 6S from iCloud gets stuck in the very beginning saying "time remaining: estimating ...". Restore from iCloud is estimated at 2 Days  or may be as low as 1min but still climbing. The blue bar is stuck at less than 15%. Even with high speed WIFI the restore is still stuck for many hours and never seems to end.Usually this should not take more than 2-3 hours for restore to happen completely but if it still happens:

How to fix restore not completing in iPhone 6s/6+, stuck at calculating time:

Fix 1:  Restart the restore from iCloud
For iOS 10 onwards , Go to, Settings -> Users Apple ID -> iCloud -> Bakcup -> Stop Restoring iPhone. And now try again with restore. It may work this time.

Fix 2: Sign out and sign in again
Turn off the phone and turn it back on, then skip iCloud sign in by pressing "Sig n in later", once your on the home screen you can go into settings and log in and it works fine.

Fix 3:  wait for sometimes
When the message time remaining: estimating ... is shown, just be patient. It took my phone something of a hour, but eventually it came through and is now restoring perfectly.

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