Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Should You Upgrade Your iPhone App Every Time When It Has Updates

As application developers focusing on optimization function of the apps, more and more app updates have been downloaded on your iPhone.

But totally can understand how annoyed you are when the app has a new update version, and notification alerts everywhere on your iPhone. It is a question that whether your choose upgrade or not.

If you choose upgrade which meanings you need take a moment to download new package for that application, you may stop to check new twitter or email at that time.

Today make a conclusion for you:

Some user like to update because they want to use new features on the app, and some users are forced to upgrade their iPhone apps through some alerts App Store or other third party application market.  
Whether you should update or not ? Generally we need to view update log for the app, sof tware upgrade mainly try to solve two kinds of problems; simply as below:

1. Improve the stability of software operation

2. Add some new features on software.

We all know it has risk when problem related with software which has been installed on you iPhone, users iPhone may arise flashback or screen dead problems if the app is incompatible with mobile system. Most of this are happ ened on mobile games apps. Also some apps need to make use a lot of system storage which will cause battery draining sooner.

For stability reason, it unnecessary to upgrade if you not suffered any problem when you using the app.
Another reason is that you want to use some new functions, it is necessary to upgrade if the feature you would like to use.

The suggestion from that is users should have a habit to check the update log for each updates version. And users will know more about the app you are using, then you can judge whether you should upgrade or not.

hopes our app can help you improve your efficiency in your daily work and life. Check our update log and download latest (V2.06) here.

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