Thursday, April 19, 2018

Recommend the Best Microscope to Repair Your Phone

Speak of microsoldering, you must know its a specialized skill that requires specialized repair equipment? The electronic components on a phone logic board is too small so that microscope is crucial.  To get a magnifying glass view of electronic components , there are different zoom options for your choice, However, a variety of microscopes for microsoldering may also make you feel confused, "what sort of microscope I could choose for repair phones?", "how to get the suitable one that is not too costly but good enough for phone logic board repair?"

Read More: Repair: iPhone Microphone Not Working Problem

The choice on microscope depends on many different features or functions. If you must use the equipment on a regular basis, youd better compare carefully at first.

There are plenty of microscopes can also be connected to a computer or a monitor, therefore you will be able to see the logic board from screen more clearly. Digital microscope are extremely versatile and easy to use. Of course for someone it is much easier to look through the eyepieces than on a screen.

When you have to use a stereo microscope for hours in a row, youd better to have a Zoom Stereo Binocular Microscope (two eyepieces allowing you to see in 3D) with eyepiece tubes placed at 45°. Binocular viewing is much more comfortable because you dont have to train your brain to ignore the information from one eye. LEDs on binocular microscopes consume very little power, the bulbs seem to last forever. They also have an advantage with the fluorescent - they provide a cool light.

You will need a stereo microscope if you want to take pictures or record videos for future references. Consider a VGA 7-45X trinocular microscope so that you can work and record at the same time. A trinocular microscope has two eyepieces like a binocular microscope and an additional third eyetube for connecting a microscope camera.

One kind of repair special microscope that you neither need to look at small eyepiece nor connected computer display. The equipment is designed with display, more convenient for microsoldering repair. You dont need to connect to a PC for instant viewing, also you can browse your stored images and videos on the screen of microscope.

Do you want to buy a microscope will stand up to years of use? Do you want quality components and construction to last a lifetime?

I guess yes. youll want a sturdy, well-built frame on your microscope. The best are made of metallic alloys that m inimize vibration, and experience minimal fluctuation with temperature variations. Some toy microscopes that are painted or chromed to look metal, so be careful!

More repair skills and equipment, please ask help for Vip Fix Shop Team.

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