Thursday, April 19, 2018

How to Fix Airdrop Dimmed Grayed out on iPhone 7 Plus 8 Plus iOS 11 10

The AirDrop, Apple’s one of best ad-hoc service that enables users to transfer files among supported MacOS and iOS device (s). In iOS 10 (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), file-sharing function Airdrop is located on Control center. Just one tap is enough to turn off/ turn on for transfer Content from iOS to Mac and between iOS to iOS, Mac to Mac. For example, while you want to try to share data between two devices of Apple using AirDrop and it shows dimmed then what you should do to fix it. Here are potential clues that would be clear your iOS 10/ 11 Airdrop Airdrop Dimmed/Grayed out on iPhone problem.

Luckily, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are worked even though, unluckily, AirDrop not working on iOS 10 due to dimmed or grayed out issue. Hence, while you feeling AirDrop missing or grayed out on iPhone with iOS 10. Then you should apply the following solution first, this would be h elped you to a quick resolve.

Easy ways to get resolve Airdrop Dimmed/Grayed out on iPhone 7 Plus/ iPhone 8/ iPhone X

Airdrop Dimmed/Grayed out on iPhone 7

Clue 1. Remove AirDorp Restrictions on iOS 11/ 10

Go to Settings â€" General â€" Tap on Restrictions â€" Enter 4-digit Restrictions Passcode â€" Turn AirDrop ON/Green.

If AirDrop toggle is already green, however, AirDrop dimmed/missing on iPhone 7 (Plus) then keep continue for an alternative solution.

How to get back missing Airdorp on iPhone 7 or 7 Plus

That’s it.

In iOS 11 Find AirDrop in Control Center, Swipe up finger on screen to launch Control Center.

6 Enable AirDrop on iOS 11 control center

Clue 2: You should restart your iPhone once

To Restart iPhone â€" Press and Hold on Power button until you will appear Slide to Power Off. after that again Power On your Phone and check out for AirDrop. (To turn on your iPhone â€" Press and Hold on Sleep/wake button until your appear Apple logo)

I hope, this trick would be really successful.

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Clue 3: Restart or Hard Reboot

Press and Hold Below buttons until you see apple logo on Screen,

iPhone 6 and Below: Sleep/Wake + Home button
iPhone 7/7, iPhone 8 Plus/8 Plus: Sleep/Wake + Volume Down button
iPhone X: Side button + Volume Down Button

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