Monday, April 2, 2018

How to Enter the Mobile phone Repair Industry

You must hear of that the next iPhone will have some significant changes. The next iPhone models including iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus, and iPhone x. The formal two models will be released in September while the last one will be released in November. There are lots of rumors about the new features on next iPhone models. No matter surface style or inside performance, which will be very excited to waiting for its release. However, new changes on new coming iPhone may also bring threat to iPhone repair business.

What Threat it will bring?

As the report said, the next iPhone will not have a home button and will instead be made of a single piece of glass, a long-rumored and seemingly inconsequential move that is in fact central to an ongoing and hugely important legislative struggle between Americas largest company and thousands of independent smartphone repair shops. Apples secret iPhone calibration machine and its Touch ID sensor will allow it to monopolize the repair industry.

Moving the Touch ID fingerprint-reading sensor from the home button into the screen itself will have the side effect of giving Apple a straightforward path to monopolizing screen repair. The move could give Apple unprecedented control over the ownership and repairability of your phone, which means that in the very near future, its possible that the only company that will be able to do a simple iPhone screen replacement will be Apple itself.

If there is a cryptographic element to fixing the glass, then for most of repairmen or technician, the ability to do repairs on the new i Phone device could completely go away. Then touch ID integration will be an existential threat to independent repair companies, and if Apple suddenly becomes the only company that is able to fix your phone if you break it, then do you really own it?

What advantage it will bring?

But on the other hand, new iPhone release also will increase the profits for phone repair business. For most of people, new iPhone will not be suggested because of its high price. At the same time, the older iPhones will decrease price compared with previous sale price, so it will be a good chance for someone wants to buy iPhone. The possibility of phone faults will come up muc h more, therefore, cell phone repair will offer you more opportunities to get profits on market.

Cell phone repair industry is a very repetitive working environment. You have to be able to repair the same device over and over again without losing your sanity. So to keep your business goes a positive way, its very necessary for prepare enough common iPhone replacement parts or accessories for iPhone 7plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 and other older models. There are many common cell phone repair kits like screwdrivers, adhesive tape, suction cup and tweezers, its not a bad choice if you prepare some high quality tools as many of them are universal between different iPhone models.

Check out more phone repair skills and resources you dont want to miss at VIP FIX Shop Team.

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