Thursday, March 22, 2018

How To Turn on Enable Type to Siri on iPhone iPad iOS 11 Translate

Siri not more customized and user-friendly that easy to access in public place and helps to ask anything by easily type the command from the iOS keyboard. Here’s I also see the tricks on how we can use voice command on Siri after enable Type to Siri on iPhone, iPad? Also, we are able to use Siri for different languages (German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish, French) (Right now we can know the Single phrase in Siri’s translate).

On-Going Siri is improving from intelligence, Because of New Apple Home Pod â€" The Virtual Assistant device by Apple also called Siri speaker.

Steps for Turn on/ Enable Type to Siri on iPhone, iPad: iOS 11

7 Enable Siri for Type and Translate on iPhone and iPad

#1: Go to the Settings App on iPhone and iPad.

#2: Tap on General inside the settings app.

#3: Next to the General, See Accessibility.
1 Accessibility on iPhone

#4: Now, Tap on Siri.

#5: Enable, Type to Siri toggle.
2 Type to Siri in iOS 11

Use Siri Voice Assistant with Type to Siri

Long press on Home Button on Lock Screen or Home screen until you see black screen with Siri icon

Are you uncomfortable to type Siri command from the keyboard? Then use Microphone from the keyboard.
5 Use Voice assistance for Siri

See microphone icon at near to the Keyboard space bar.
4 Type Siri command from Keyboard on iPhone and iPad

Speak your command, After that tap on the keyboard.

Next, Tap on “Done” in Keyboard.

Disable Type to Siri on iPhone, iPad

Follow the steps given above and Disable Type to Siri from Siri settings.

Once, You Turn off Type to Siri, Siri can use like before and access with your Siri Voice.

Use Siri Translate in iOS 11

To activate Siri Translate, First Luch Siri (Press and Hold on home button).

Next, Say “Translate” command.
3 Use Translate in Siri with iOS 11 iPhone

Siri Automatically gives the option for select Other languages into that you want to translate the phrase.

Now, Speak Word and Get instant conversation.

See my Screen Below, To repeat or Get tran slation for other words you need to say: Translate again & activate for every time for use.

Siri Doesn’t work or Won’t Activate

Press for Siri Enable, Go to the Settings > Siri & Search > Press for Siri enable.

Also, Check Allow Siri When Locked and keep enable it.
6 fix siri not working on iPhone and iPad

That’s it.< /div>

Stay connected with us for more comprehensive features and tips after Enable Type to Siri in iOS 11 or Later iOS on iPhone And iPad.

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